“A Thousand Blues,” a science fiction novel by young writer Cheon Seon-ran, has been reborn as not one but two different stage performances just less than one month apart. Cheon, 31, had received offers for the adaptation of her award-winning novel, but she had rejected turning it into a movie or drama for a reason. “The aspect that I was most worried about, if ‘A Thousand Blues’ were ad.
“A Thousand Blues,” a science fiction novel by young writer Cheon Seon-ran, has been reborn as not one but two different stage performances just less than one month apart. Cheon, 31, had received offers for the adaptation of her award-winning novel, but she had rejected turning it into a movie or drama for a reason. “The aspect that I was most worried about, if ‘A Thousand Blues’ were ad.
Three contemporary literary bestsellers are set to undergo a spectacular transformation this year as they move from the page to the stage. Embracing new genres such as musicals, music dramas and theater productions, these adaptations offer original fans a fresh and enjoyable avenue to experience the stories. ‘The Old Woman with the Knife’ In a much-anticipated adaptation, Gu Byeong-mo’s bestsellin.