police arrived. he was clear to leave the hospital he took them to without anyone ever coming to talk to him and ask him about the accident. loney is gearing up for spring training. taking part today in the dodgers community caravan volunteer events across the area. no doubt happy to hear he won t face any charges over what happened last year. back to you. jenna: maybe we need dr. siegel on that one too. reporter: i have some questions for dr. siegel yeah. jenna: rick, thank you. jon: all right. an exclusive investigation by the washington post is shedding new light on earmarks pushed by your members of congress. millions of your tax dollars going to pet projects that may be benefiting lawmakers families. a live report on that coming up. also, we re hearing the dramatic 911 calls after josh powell set fire to his own home killing his two young sons as well as himself. an update where that investigation stand and the search for his missing wife,
towards thinking this is psychiatric contagion but i don t know anything for sure and we need to keep watching and keep learning. jon: dr. marc siegel, a member of our fox medical a-team. a weird story. absolutely. thanks, jon. jenna: well l.a. dodger first baseman james loney will not be charged in an accident on the freeway last year. we first told you about it then. at least one officer on the scene says that this athlete was asleep at wheel. he refused to take a breathalyzer test. spitting the mouthpiece back at cops. rick folbaum has more why prosecutors are now giving up on this case. rick? reporter: jenna, because they say they don t have the evidence to pursue the case at this point. though loney did hit three cars and was arrested for driving under the suspicion at the time of alcohol. a blood sample pell testing alcohol level was negative a just released 911 call starts out with witness sees the accident, while on the phone with the dispatcher realizes loney is trying to