also, that ad is just not accurate. if carl paladino wins, those women aren t going to jail. nobody is going to jail in new york state. there is a privacy right, not only the constitution, but in new york state. that would never happen. same with vermont. most people that talk about no exceptions and all this kind of stuff, they re just talking like that to their base. all ads are like that. both sides run ads that are partly true. you think democrats should run these types of ads? i don t think you ought to spend a lot of money on them. they are effective if you choose to do that. i prefer not to use that kind of campaign sale. what do you think about nationalizing the election by taking a crazy statement o donnell says in delaware, a crazy statement sharron angle might have said in nevada, a crazy statement somebody else may have said somewhere else, is that the democrats best hope, just to say i don t care who the republican is running in your race, look at the party they l