it is so bad that when you look at the recent numbers, more people are dying of gun violence than of covid. somebody said to me on july 4th weekend, those weren t fireworks you were hearing, those were gunfires. all right. let s dig deeper with the former new york police commissioner and los angeles police chief, by the way, bill bratten. he s the author of a very timely new book the profession, a mémoire of community, race and the ark of policing in america. thank you so much for joining us. congratulations on this excellent new book. first of all, do you agree with governor cuomo s assessment? is gun violence here in the united states a new epidemic? it s not new. it s been basically paralleling the coronavirus epidemic. but now that that epidemic is subsiding, thank god, the parallel epidemic is now rising to the surface. so this epidemic has been underway for a couple of years, but nobody is paying much