every sale at every gun show. gun safety reform remains at the forefront of president obama s agenda. buzz feed reports he will hit the road this week to take his message to the people while congress is in recess. it s been over 100 days since the newtown massacre. and since then, there have been over 2,000 gun deaths. the debate on gun control may have started months ago, by the looks of it the fight is just beginning. governor rendell. how effective do you think go mayor bloomberg and his media blitz can be? wayne lapierre may not know much, but he knows about insanity. that he does. that s number one. number two, he says the people don t want mike bloomberg in their living rhoades. those ads don t have mike bloomberg s name on them. those ads are very effective and they re striking a responsible chord. because that s what people believe. the question is can that belief be translated into pressure put