(Archived document, may contain errors) 180 Ap ril 23, 1982 A SURCHARGE THE WORST TAX INTRODUCTION Faced with a twelve-digit deficit and a budget impasse, the Reagan Administration has been considering a variety of measures designed to satisfy its critics is a punitive income tax surcharge for upper-i ncome Americans.
(Archived document, may contain errors) 268 May 18, 1983 TAMING THE NATIONAL DEBT INTRODUCTION Congress hates raising the federal debt ceiling. Yet, in the next couple of years, it faces the prospect of voting for debt hikes averaging some $225 billion annually. Congress may have to agree, in fact, to more new debt in the next six years than the total authorized debt in the entire history of the United States bills will provoke extremely hard fought, controversial, close votes.
(Archived document, may contain errors) 260 April 12, 1983 SEVEN .REASONS FOR SAVING THE TAX CUT INTRODUCTION The corner has been turned. Nearly every economic indicator is signaling a strong recovery. Housing starts are running at 1.7 million a year, up from 900,000 units a year in June 1982 GNP is growing at 4 percent a year. The Stock Market has surged 40 percent since July 19