For 30 years, scrimshander Gary Tonkin, 74, scratched away on the jaw bone and teeth of a sperm whale, creating intricate engravings telling the story of an American whaling ship, The Kathleen, that went from hunter to hunted.
Letter: Ex-residents denied reparations
A former Evanston resident complains that only those who choose to return to town can benefit from the city s reparations program.
Former Evanstonian Cheryl Jenkins (Francellno) writes from Nevada:
I was born in St. Francis Hospital in 1961. I lived at 1818 Lyons, 1915 Foster, 806 Sherman, 912 Elmwood and 512 South Boulevard. I went to Oakton School, Bethlehem Lutheran (on Lake Street), Nichols and Evanston Township High School. I graduated from ETHS in 1979.
I spent 37 years of my life in Evanston with my mother, Joan L. Francellno, my father, Thomas H. Jenkins, 7 siblings, 23 nieces and nephews and 49 great nieces and nephew. Our roots run deep in Evanston since the 1900s.