The Patriot: It is gratifying to us to receive, almost daily, letters from our friends expressing their approbation of the patriotic position of the Patriot. Our friends, Democrats, – Republicans – Union men in all parts of the County – have thought proper so far to compliment us as to say, that in their opinion we may be of much service to our country, in the present awful crisis. (Note: The “awful crisis” refers to the Civil War.)
Memorial Day: To-day will be generally observed throughout the country as the occasion for the annual floral offering to the loyal dead. In communities where the Grand Army of the Republic is organized, that body, it is anticipated, will take charge of the beautiful and appropriate ceremony, and will crown the graves of their beloved, fallen comrades with Nature s sweetest tributes. But in places like this, where no such organization exists, the citizens generally will make it a sacred duty to do honor to the memory of
Paxton voters determine Recreation Commission contests
Ken Cleveland
PAXTON Voters determined the victors in the Paxton town election Monday night.
Not that there were a lot of contested races; most candidates were incumbents already serving the town.
But 160 voters faithfully executed their responsibility at the polls.
In contested races for the Recreation Commission, three-year seats were won by Heather L. Larson, with 120 votes, and Christina Marie Cormier, with 89 votes; Rebecca Lynn Ross trailed with 62 votes.
The two-year Recreation Commission term was won by Diane K. McMorrow, whose 108 votes bested the 35 garnered by William D. Fields.
Other seats were won with no contest or a few write-in votes.