With Christmas approaching and the world celebrating Jesus’ birth, our nation’s Christian heritage, enshrined in the Ekalesia as one of our three tama Ua pillars, cannot be ignored or overestimated in its impact on our lives as Cook Islanders, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
People often say that power corrupts and to this I disagree. Power does not corrupt a person, it merely exposes what lies in all our hearts, and simply gives it room, opportunity and permission, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Dear Editor,
I agree with much of what Thomas Wynne has been writing in the Cook Islands News over the last three Saturdays with regard to re-examining the Albert Henry Case of 1978-79
Dear Editor,
I too have been dismayed and concerned about Thomas Wynne’s scurrilous article “The last of the pooh-bahs” in the Cook Islands News (Saturday, November 18) attacking Sir Gavin Donne and others of the Albert Henry saga.