Christopher Horner | Tribune-Review
Pine-Richland head coach Eric Kasperowicz works with his team during practice on Aug. 18, 2020.
Ousted football coach Eric Kasperowicz “expressed minimal concern for hazing or empathy for the students” during a 2½-hour interview with Pine-Richland administrators in late-March, according to a letter the school district sent him cutting ties.
The three-page letter dated April 14 notified Kasperowicz his contract wouldn’t be renewed and detailed a school district investigation into the football program that found “a pattern of hazing, ‘rites of passage,’ and intimidation occurred in and around the locker room and stadium area for years.”
Athletic director Sean Simmons, high school principal Nancy Bowman and assistant principal Thomas Salopek signed the letter, which the Tribune-Review obtained Thursday from Kasperowicz.