These proxies and the proxies are on the line of, so do you hunt . [laughter] and i went through countless these interviews and my answers were so pathetic. No. Do you know anybody who hunts . Ot really. I was sitting down with one of the senators from idaho who has a ranch and who was a great hunter himself and he was telling me about his hunting and how important this was to many of his constituents and i totally understand why. Why many senators would want to know these kinds of things. And so i was it was late in the day. It was my 93rd interview. I said you know, senator, if you would like to invite me hunting, id really be glad to come. And this look of abject horror passed over his face, you know . And i realized, ok. I think ive gone too far. Senator, i really didnt mean to invite myself to your ranch. But i i i will tell you that if im lucky enough to be confirmed ill ask my colleague Justice Scalia to take me hunting. I grew up in new york. I didnt have this experience. But i
Mr. Thune madam president . The presiding officer the senator from south dakota. Mr. Thune madam president , i ask unanimous consent the quorum call be dispensed with. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Thune madam president , two weeks ago, the New York Times accomplished an article on Congressional Democrats plan for the rest of the year. It boiled down to one thing campaigning. Thats right, eight months out from the election, democrats in congress have given up on legislating. Instead, theyre going to spend the next eight months focused on show votes which will and i quote from the story be timed to coincide with campaignstyle trips by president obama. End quote. While these he votes wail focus on quote pocketbook issues democrats hope will appeal to voarkts, the votes arent designed to accomplish anything. The democrats concede, the times goes on to say that making new laws is not the point. Rather, theyre trying to force republicans to vote against them, end quote, thats
The Hopkins city officials will host a free, fun-filled morning at the fourth annual Community Garden Kick-Off event at the community gardens from 9-11 a.m. on May 11 in Valley