Announcer next, q a with former chief economist of the fcc, thomas hazlett. Brian tom hazlett, why did you write the book the political spectrum . Tom there is a great set of stories, unknown to most people about how we got into the age of wireless. Wireless seems like a bit of magic. It has always seemed that way. We had 100 years ago a Supreme Court chief justice say he did not want to get any radio cases because he did not want to have to dive into the law there. The law of the occult. So, this seems offputting to a lot of people. The way we allocate radio spectrum come and how we make Resources Available to the Wireless World we are in today, is fascinating, and there is a political structure that was crafted in the 1927 radio act. Primary actor Herbert Hoover, secretary of commerce through those rules, 90 years ago, still govern the way we actually allow resources to be used in our economy today. It is tremendously important, fundamental to innovation, to technological progress, t