Biologist. We have a large constituency as athletic field, playgrounds, and swimming pools, but it is not organized and consequently is inarticulate and suffers at budget times. The most insects and our greatest biodiversity lies in our grasslands, but they are declining due to inadequate staffing. By far the greatest wildlife support is provided by locally native plants because they evolve together, but few of them can be found in nurseries. We need a large nursery to propagate the individual plants. Brett park has a nursery and it should be fostered for the whole city. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. Thank you very much, supervisors, for your actions to improve the biodiversity throughout the city. I am a board member of the sutro stewards and i can see how effective it has been to have a collaboration among the many interested parties who want to have wildlife in the city. Weve had a wonderful collaboration with ucsf and were working to improve the biodiversity of the local
Scape landscaping and the right type of that into our environments. This is important to us and were excited to dig into that. Also cityowned land as well as privatesector projects, were taking a look at all our current codes and thinking about how can we require more greening and the right types of greening and how can we provide really clear tools, so that as one of your constituents gets an infraction because theyve paved over their front yard and they need to have half of that front yard be permeable and 25 be landscaped. This is a picture of a golf course where we have a lot of areas in and around where we need people to stand and walk where we can be transitioning into ecosystem restoration. Finally, this is a twopart initiative that is, one, this idea of the bioregional park which is centred around twin peaks bit integrates several different disparate pieces and represents native lands that are looking to be cojoined. This is a tenyear Grassroots Efforts that has been evolving.
One thing that jeff has always imprinted on my life is that we can always find better, we can always love each other and respect. This is still a city full of hope for peace, justice, and art. Thank you very much, supervisors. Next speaker, please. Thank you. Im a spokeswoman for the Public Defenders Office. On behalf of the Department Today and with respect to our neighborhoods, we support the renaming of gilbert street to jeff adachi way and we thank you for proposing this. Jeff adachi left a mark on this city and having his name outside would be a reminder of his fight for civil and human rights. He recreated what a Public Defenders Office could be, a frontline Legal Organization that built practices at a high level. Were the understood dogfight for the rights of the over 20,000 indigent clients who become part of the San Francisco incarceral system every year. Were also a watchdog making sure that Law Enforcement is being held accountable. Under the leadership of the new leader, we
company via the 20th company. he was shot in july, 1918. he laid in the field overnight and lived another 75 years. he told the small story about how that had happened to him. in the morning some french colonial stretcher bearers would walk around kicking guys and see if they were still alive. he apparently ground so they picked him up. that story just fascinated me and it took me a while to get the agent majority were acted properly addressed the. as a story written by him. he live to 101 if i remember? yeah, 101 he died in 1993. that s incredible, wow. in val upping the story and the book, you do spend a lot of time not only talking about york s background which i found very interesting being a son of the south reading about the rural part of east tennessee. his in a lot of ways, rudimentary upbringing. very little education you also look at the background of the other soldiers involved in the york stroll. i think that is the point of the book. i was curious if ther
Another set to everybody else. That morning. The exchange yesterday on the senate floor between Senate Leader mcconnell and read. It is being called historic and dramatic. Changing the filibuster rules for nominees to the federal court and cap Network Level appointees. This has followed years of debate on the Nuclear Option. It has created sharp words by democrats and republicans. We will begin with an explanation on why it is happening now and what it means for congress and the white house. It is friday, november 22. The date etched in the minds of those of you old enough to remember where you were 50 years ago. President obama is calling this a day of her membranes for john f. Kennedy. The flag at the u. S. Capitol is halfstaff. A tribute to our president who died in dallas a halfcentury ago. This is the scene at Arlington National cemetery. The final resting place for president kennedy and members of his family. We are focusing on both of these stories. We want to begin on the issue