"Marú Inár Measc" ("Killer Among Us") is a four-part true-crime docu-series airing on Irish language channel TG4. The four-part true crime documentary series shines light on the impact fatal crimes have on families, communities and society.
Metro Detroiters turn to pawn shops for hard-to-find items amid pandemic
Metro Detroiters turn to pawn shops for hard-to-find items amid pandemic
and last updated 2020-12-10 08:48:43-05
DETROIT (WXYZ) â 2020 has been the year of the coronavirus and also been a year of scarcity. Think about how toilet paper and paper towels were snapped up.
Stores couldn t keep up with the demand for computers and home office equipment, which has some people turning to pawn shops for hard-to-find items.
In fact, your local pawnbroker will tell you whether it s good times or bad.
If you want a unique look at the economy. Check out your local pawn shop.