Tamil Nadu police personnel were seen on Tuesday deployed in numbers outside the Tiruvallur Government Medical College Hospital which began an autopsy of the Class 12 student, found hanging a day ago in her hostel room in a school in the state s Tiruvallur district.
A Class 12 student allegedly killed herself in Tamil Nadu’s Tiruvallur district on Monday morning. Her parents and relatives staged a protest claiming that the school authorities did not inform the parents on time. CB-CID officials are conducting an inquiry.
A panchayat president belonging to All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) was killed by a gang in Minjur town of Thiruvallur district. The 44-year-old leader has been the most influential person in the area as the Panchayat President.
Tamil Nadu Rainfall: Red alert issued in 4 districts, 3 dead from electrocution - As rainfall floods houses in Chennai, people are seen placing sandbags outside their house trying to stop rainwater from entering their house
"A red alert has been issued for 4 districts of Tamil Nadu including Chennai, Kanchipuram, Thiruvallur, and Chinglepet in view of heavy rainfall. Three people have died due to electrocution today," said State Revenue and Disaster Management Minister KKSSR Ramachandran. Tamil Nadu Rains: Red Alert Issued in Chennai, Kanchipuram, Thiruvallur and Chinglepet in View of Heavy Rainfall.