2012. Okay thank you item 13 please. Item 13, department of Human Resources to execute a agreement for Workers Compensation work parties for an amount not to exceed 26 million and for a term of three years with an option to extend the term for up to two years. Thank you. Good asp. Madame chairs and im here with ed reis kin from the department of Transportation Agency we are joining together to achieve efficiencies in economy of scales we think in Workers Compensation for the cities you have the report before you the Budget Department has made some excellent recommendations which we are planning to administrator as part of this contract. Would you look to add anything to that brief presentation . I would just concur we have two separate Workers Compensation for the m ta and for the rest of the 70 and milky and i talked about this a year and decided that we could do better for all of the cities by joining force and is i had experience in my last role of finding ways of reducing Workers C
2012. Okay thank you item 13 please. Item 13, department of Human Resources to execute a agreement for Workers Compensation work parties for an amount not to exceed 26 million and for a term of three years with an option to extend the term for up to two years. Thank you. Good asp. Madame chairs and im here with ed reis kin from the department of Transportation Agency we are joining together to achieve efficiencies in economy of scales we think in Workers Compensation for the cities you have the report before you the Budget Department has made some excellent recommendations which we are planning to administrator as part of this contract. Would you look to add anything to that brief presentation . I would just concur we have two separate Workers Compensation for the m ta and for the rest of the 70 and milky and i talked about this a year and decided that we could do better for all of the cities by joining force and is i had experience in my last role of finding ways of reducing Workers C
The plans, which is the commitment and is now in the proposed resolution that the city will contribute beginning the 8. 2 Million Dollars a year, going up to 10. 7 million a year. About 300,000 over the term and also knowing that the hotels currently with their petitions have over a 50 percent return rate. It is likely that this will come back with a favorable approval from the hotels so we if you want to go forward with the expansion of the center with the city contributions. That would be a cityrun project correct . Yes, it would be a cityrun project. The other folks will be managing . Thank you, why dont we open this up for Public Comment, if there are no questions at this time. I will call the names on the card. 2012. Okay thank you item 13 please. Item 13, department of Human Resources to execute a agreement for Workers Compensation work parties for an amount not to exceed 26 million and for a term of three years with an option to extend the term for up to two years. Thank you. Go
Compensation for the m ta and for the rest of the 70 and milky and i talked about this a year and decided that we could do better for all of the cities by joining force and is i had experience in my last role of finding ways of reducing Workers Compensation costs has been going down for many city agency and is the workers comp sayings has been going up for the m ta and so there is benefit for all of us coming together and that will save us all some money. Okay do we have a budget analysis report . Good afternoon madame chair and supervisor kim and we have made some recommendation that is d h r is in concor dance with and by 799 to account to the december 1st start date of the agreement with us and m ta and to advocate prove the start date to november 1st 2012 and amend aimed the resolution to fix and evaluate the cost effectiveness of providing these services in house as opposed to a contract and an option to renew and otherwise we recommend the a proven prooivel of the amendments. Tha
On january 23rd. As well as that is the hearing on the issues bonds and more on the structure would go before you again at that point. And then, february 5th, would be the proposed ballot hearing, where the ballots would be tabulated as well as a vote on the resolution to issue bonds. And squished in between all of that is the Capital Planning committee before the resolution to issue bonds comes to the budget and finance it will have to go to the Capitol Committee in early january or late december. We cant predict how long it will take but we estimate that it should be wrapped up by june 2013. And then, our anticipation is that the district would again in july, 2013, but in the Management Plan it also says, you know, that date could get pushed out depending on the validation action period. With that we take the team of the members that didnt speak as part of the city team, we are here to answer the questions that you may have. Is there anything that you want to add on item number eleve