Sixth Party Congress: Initiating and leading renewal process Chia sẻ | FaceBookTwitter Email Copy Link Copy link bài viết thành công
25/01/2021 10:15 GMT+7
In the spirit of “looking straight at the truth, evaluating the truth properly and speaking the truth”, the sixth National Party Congress affirmed the determination to reform the Party’s leadership in the spirit of revolution and science.
The sixth National Party Congress, which took place in December 1986, introduces the renewal process, promoting the strength and potential to develop the country. (Photo: VNA)
Party General Secretary Nguyen Van Linh stresses the sixth Party Congress marks an important turning point in inheriting and renovating Party’s leadership while addressing the event after being elected as the Party leader. (Photo: VNA)
Third Party Congress: Building socialism, reunifying country Chia sẻ | FaceBookTwitter Email Copy Link Copy link bài viết thành công
22/01/2021 07:30 GMT+7
The third National Party Congress took place on September 5-10, 1960 in Hanoi to review 30 years of Party leadership and put forth theoretical and practical lessons of the Vietnamese revolution under the Party’s leadership.
The 3rd National Congress of the Vietnam Workers’ Party takes place in Hanoi from September 5-10, 1960 (Photo: VNA)
Workers and people in the southern region confront US invaders in 1964. (Photo: Archives VNA)
Under the rain of bombs and bullets, soldiers, volunteers and militias build the Truong Son-Ho Chi Minh trail. The legendary trail, built from 1959 to 1975, made an important contribution to the victory of the resistance war against the US, becoming a symbol of Vietnam s
Cybersecurity to be included in high school curriculum Chia sẻ | FaceBookTwitter Email Copy Link Copy link bài viết thành công
20/01/2021 16:26 GMT+7
High schools across the nation will begin teaching cybersecurity from the 2021-2022 academic year within the scope of the defence and security course.
High schools across the nation will begin teaching cybersecurity from the 2021-2022 academic year. (Photo:
Under the Ministry of Education and Training’s Circular No.46, students from the 10th grade to the 12th grade will be introduced fundamental notions in this area, including cyberspace and cybersecurity, as well as contents of the cybersecurity law.