were any improprieties, they want to be able to address them. when they say that, have they done that? what s our measure that they actually did that? sandra: the make of this other tidbit from our fox news reporting. it would be accurate to say mccabe was removed, that s how it was initially described, he was removed and further we are told this is most likely the earliest date possible for the fbi to remove him and still leave him fully eligible for his pension. harris: that s interesting. guy: that s another element of the timing. we could be looking at it in light of the vote tonight in the house intelligence committee, may be just a game of math and when they can get rid of him as soon as possible while he still gets his pension. if i ve maybe there s something else in there and another part of the investigation where his name is a critical element. harris: i have to stop you when you get to the third may b be. we have a lot of facts to work with here and i ve got to tell