Mar 15, 2022 -
The former Minister of Social Development, Guillermo Ferrufino was sentenced to 48 months in prison by the Third Criminal Court Liquidator on Monday, March 14
Feb 24, 2022 -
The Second Administrative Court of the Electoral Tribunal decided Thursday, February 24, to lift the electoral criminal jurisdiction of former Panama presiden
Feb 03, 2022 -
Baloisa Marquínez, third judge liquidating criminal cases, has requested the lifting of the criminal electoral jurisdiction of former president Ricardo
Feb 01, 2022 -
Scores of members of political parties have criminal electoral jurisdiction as a result of different internal processes and the number will increase as the
Jan 28, 2022 - Former president Ricardo Martinelli dodged the first day of hearing into the purchase of Editora Panamá América, SA (2010) with money supposedly f