Third-party service provider Express Logistics gains visibility into shipping and transportation with the help of a decision intelligence platform that seamlessly integrates with its TMS.
Visit Xur for some new Exotic weapons and armor to help you gear up for the Iron Banner and tougher runs through the Vow of the Disciple raid in Destiny 2.
Where is Xur this week? Head to the Tower for some Exotic items from your favorite merchant. This week’s Xur inventory includes Vigilance Wing, Shards of Galanor, Antaeus Wards, and Karnstein Armlets.
Source: Bungie
Between its Raids, Raid challenges, and Legend and Master Nightfall strikes, there s plenty to do if you re an endgame PvE player in Destiny 2. However, if you re looking for the
ultimate challenge, Bungie has you covered with Grandmaster Nightfalls.
These prestigious Nightfall strikes reward players with tons of Exotics, masterworking materials, stat-rich Adept versions of Nightfall weapons, and a Conqueror title that you can display under your name in-game. However, they also require a very high Power Level to play (currently, that Power Level is 1335) and feature enemies that are over 25 Power Levels above your own, meaning that your fireteam will do less damage than usual and will also take much