touch it. i didn t know if it was loaded. the prosecution then produce video evidence of her tossing the gun into a grocery store, dumps i was so flustered. i realized it was a stupid idea. now, the prosecution also introduced a text messages between the two including when hallie asked where hunter was the night after he bought the gun, he responded. now off maryland av behind blue rock stadium, waiting for a dealer name mci but how they also testified during cross-examination. that s sometimes hunter would lie to her about his whereabouts. the last witness at the jury heard from today was an older gentleman who found the gun in that dumpster. now, he testified he was rummaging through the dumpster trying to find recyclable materials to sell, to earn some money when he came across the firearm the center of this case a prosecutors say they ll have two more witnesses, then it will be the defense s turn to put on their case. they say they have two or three witnesses, but they st
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