inadvertence, and then it was p the well-established, legally recognized corvet defense that he had the arrogance. to say that he had no regrets over declassifying over nationaliona security documents that were jeopardized. jen you know, as i wrote i a column today, what s his next excuse? akorn pop did it.t? i mean, it s getting to thes gea absurd at that yeah. all quest exit question for both. exit question for both of you. professor, is there a double standard in the way that our government, no prosecutor would prosecute? that s jim comey in july of 2016, the way the media and democrats are treating biden, the way donald trum wp is treated with the rate. is there a dual system of justice? i believe there is . well, i think there treat is certainly the the reality and the perception that theresy is a dual system. lookstem , i do not think hilly clinton should have been prosecuted. i don t think trump shoulde tion be prosecuted.
0 plus, tomorrow, millions ofvr churchgoing christians in america still vote for the democratic party. wh democc y is that exactly? mad our friend vince everettking tha ellison just made a brand new documentary askinghave the a question. with we re going to first lookes y tomorrow. in the meantime, have the bestou night with the ones you love. we ll be back to you. see you then. the welcome to hannity.ta and tonight, carnage in atlanta. windows smashed, vehiclesce torched, police attacked. six are arrested for domestic terrorism. the defund dismantled no bailx riots. aredthey are back , but you re t allowed to even call them violent. according to fake news violent according . cnn, by the way, where s liz cheney and adam kinzinger when you really need them looking into violence and rioting? remember, there were nog hearings on the fiveinto seventy four riots in the summer of 2020. we had thousands s of injured cops, dozens of dead americans, billions in property damage. kinzinger