expense of the majority so now. what are the fallacies of globalization and what are the facts behind those misconceptions. is globalization unfair. globalization promises prosperity for all and there is no doubt that many have benefited from it but that prosperity can be found only in a small number of countries. include mostly lies ations seem very much to believe the hype before any of the vaults western economies. germany is one of them its auto industry continues to fuel the economy exports are booming
globalization has become a battle cry but it s hard to define exactly what it is. globalization is the widening of boundaries. of the national economy to a global economy. and integrating police flow of information trade and sometimes people. some say that globalization offers hope but it also stokes fears of a script much risk of fuel to a lot of people are anxious about the future i believe in this mission their lives are not as predictable as they were 20 or 30 years ago. globalization is changing the world faster than ever and making it smaller. yes with some globalization means you can be in any part of the world in just 24 hours of its i phone. others say that it promotes economic exploitation. and if you. people profit massively at the
with that it s with us an. infinity free misdoubted but many people ignore the fact that globalization provides us with a much wider variety of products and at much lower prices than in the past isn t us . we couldn t afford a lot of those products if we had to make them ourselves and we profit from the fact that many of them come from low wage countries take china for example china transformed itself from a developing country into the world s largest export nation within just a few decades by opening its economy and investing in new technology. china has lifted 800000000 people out of poverty that s that s the greatest development achievement in history. around the world the number of people living in extreme poverty has fallen sharply thanks to globalization. in
a decent living this too is part of globalization to build up the images were so strong that many people felt the huge numbers of migrants were like a flood of our by fear in this island or. many germans immediately offered to help the new arrivals and make them feel welcome. the arms of feeling. and are not ones actually but we had no idea how many people were coming or who they were. in germany some people feel threatened by the migrants. was. europe was. divided on the issue of migration and how to deal with it some countries saw the democratic order under threat. the continent was overwhelmed by the arrival of some 3300000 in the space of 3 years. the simple other regions are experiencing more
and earn billions in profits for german companies. but many people in germany are nevertheless critical of globalization. economist at kele s institute for the world economy studies the effects of globalization on society and the economy is so to speak global globalization has an image problem on the public discussion doesn t take into account the positive side of the discourse that exports have created new jobs sort of that s. what s. benedict s come out of micro finance startup says that globalization has lots of positives. yeah it s germany is absolutely one of the winners sometimes we forget how well we re doing take vacations will all. come to. the bottom us people can now travel to faraway places that my grandparents couldn t. never dreamt of going to israel