new york times article is that lisa murkowski, the senate from alaska, basically the times reports that murkowski wouldn t vote against this health care bill when she was threatened with the project from the interior department secretary brian zinke. now, that actually didn t work on the house side, where trump had mick mulvaney go to mark sanford, the south carolina senator to vote on the health care bill with basically the same threats. and those things aren t working and the president needs to figure out how to win over and get backing and support for these measures, as opposed to threatening to take away chairmanships which is something that he mentions and makes mitch mcconnell, i can just see him shaking his head back in kentucky. around wondering if this is a tactic that s going to work instead of trying to build the
he doesn t think about the long-term consequences that he needs republican allies on the hill, but maybe we should be celebrating, you know, to the extend he is creating more of a divide between himself and republican leadership, maybe they will get less done. i think there is a tragedy, mark. i think the strategy is, things aren t working, i don t want to get blamed for it. so i will go after congress, after all, that s what i campaigned on, being the outsider, congress can t get anything done, their approval ratings are lower than mine. that s a reasonable hypothesis. i would add another window, he is acting like his counterpart, kim jong-un the teenager, he sees mitch mcconnell on tv and loses his mind. i think he is making a big mistake, he will need mitch mcconnell not just to get things done. but i think a signal was given by the senate majority leader
little what could i say. not the clearest understanding of the process. the clock started january 20th. in legislative time, like in dog years, you measure it differently. it s not easy. kevin, beginning genewt ging heard from him. here he is again not holding anything back. he talks about how mitch has to get this done. this is a team. the president is a key member of the team. you could argue he s the leader of the team. if things aren t working, maybe he needs to take part of the ownership here. if it is as lynn and others have suggested, if this is just another attempt by the president to throw some red meat to his base, what does that mean for mitch mcconnell moving forward. how does this affect him? first and foremost, the former speaker of the house is someone who president trump trusts. he someone who president trump listens to and on the issue of tax reform, it s someone who is
the mooch. the mooch. we just played the clip. and matthew, impact to g want t two sec two sen two sents in a second. if you re saying there is problems with the president, isn t there a problem with scaramucci. you kind of got me there. i want to like the guy. honestly, i don t support this president s agenda but having been in that job, it s public service and i admire anybody who s willing to serve their country but there was an element, remember in the the manchurian candidate where they say, raymond shaw is the wisest, kindest human being, because they were brainwashed by the north koreans. there was a little bit of that by scaramucci today. maybe trump s the kind of guy who just believes you never stand so tall as when you stoop to kiss his ring. matthew whittaker. i disagree with paul. but along this line, i see a president that is sensing that things aren t working and i think paul would agree with me on that. six months in, and he s making some decisions.
national correspondent william la jeunesse shows us. i am running for u.s. congress. i am a fighter, and i don t back down. he sounds like an independent. things aren t working, no matter who is in charge. even a conservative. but make no mistake, james thompson is a democrat aiming for an upset. we have the opportunity to flip this flu. if they re going to win districts like this, democrats are probably going to be on the march nationwide, not because democrats are necessarily popular, it would be because the president is unpopular. kansas fourth district is deep red, but the race to fill the seat vacated by former congressman, now-see a director mike pompeo is unexpectedly close, prompting this last-minute attack ad from the party. james thompson supports late-term abortion. followed by a verbal call