bring all your finances together with the help of the one person who can. a certified financial planner professional. cfp. let s make a plan. we re going to close the show with something i think is worth keeping an eye on. on last night s show, i said one thing worth watching in politics right now is the favorability numbers for mitt romney. regardless of what is going on in each state-by-state contest. if you want to know a snapshot view of the presidential campaign of how it is affecting his chances as a nominee look at his favorable and unfavorable numbers. every graft we have shown on the show has been screwed up tech lick any somehow, but this for the record is mitt romney s favorable and unfavorable numbers. the chores reversed and another thing screwing in last night s graph. mitt romney was not particularly liked during 2011. in 2012, the unfavorable number is the dark blue one, going up, right?
the chores reversed and another thing screwing in last night s graph. mitt romney was not particularly liked during 2011. in 2012, the unfavorable number is the dark blue one, going up, right? since republicans started to vote his unfavorability skyrocketed and his favorability is down there with herniated disks and vanilla ice. mitt romney needs to turn that around if he is the republican party s nominee. but it raises a question of whether a long, drawn outprimary process maybe bad for mitt romney. if you look at the way it is going, the longer the race goes on the less people like mitt romney and dramatically so. in to that equation, a new variable was introduced. marcos, the name sake and founder of the website daily coast put out a call for something he is calling
right now is the favorability numbers for mitt romney. regardless of what is going on in each state-by-state contest. if you want to know a snapshot view of the presidential campaign of how it is affecting his chances as a nominee look at his favorable and unfavorable numbers. every graft we have shown on the show has been screwed up tech lick any somehow, but this for the record is mitt romney s favorable and unfavorable numbers. the chores reversed and another thing screwing in last night s graph. mitt romney was not particularly liked during 2011. in 2012, the unfavorable number is the dark blue one, going up, right? since republicans started to vote his unfavorability skyrocketed and his favorability is down there with herniated disks and vanilla ice.
this year he lost colorado. mitt romney was so sure he was going to win colorado this year he made sure he was personally in the state of colorado on the night of the caucuses. his campaign reserved a big, big room where he could deliver his colorado victory speech to his supporters. i can tell you this room we talked about this a few moments ago, was not even half full it s starting to fill in a little bit but guys, this room is still not full keep in mind we re in the city of denver, this is a large metropolitan area, outside the city limits you have a lot of conservative republicans. mitt romney is not filling the room tonight. heading in the maine caucuses that was the narrative of the race for the republican nomination for president. mitt romney losing missouri, losing minnesota badly, which he should have won, and losing colorado which he not only should have won but where he obviously thought he was going to win.
there had never before been a presidential nominating contest that was reversed after the fact where a state declared candidate x was the winner of the state and then that state changed their mind. before this year, in iowa, that had never happened before. now, it may have happened twice. hey, beltway media over here! this is not a ron paul conspiracy theor i don t want to discuss delegate allocation. the ron paul canidacy is not what this is about. i think that republicans in the state of maine may end up having to withdraw their declaration that mitt romney won the state of maine. the same way republicans had to do in iowa last month. remember what happened in iowa was that on the night of the caucuses we stayed up until what felt like dawn, waiting for the iowa republican party to report its results and then at 2:30