got money available and you ve got the whole thing humming along again right? the problem here for the fed and what bernanke is saying is that unemployment is still too uncomfortably high, in fact inflation isn t a problem, but in fact inflation might be too low, but this is a fed that s been arguing about this for a few weeks, but is very closely watching a recovery in the american economy that it thinks is sub par. let s talk about one of the ways to goose the economy, maybe you flood the economy with money, maybe you print more money, they like to say, the effect is that there s more money available, it s easier to borrow money, and we have just seen brand-new mortgage rates out, how many times do i say mortgage rates aren t going to get any lower. for a year you have been saying mortgage rates are at rock bottom, they re so low, 4.21% according to the mortgage bankers association, interest rates in this country are incredibly low, the dollar is weakening. all this the way the