Numită în luna februarie în funcţia de consilier de stat în cadrul Cancelariei premierului Florin Cîțu, Mara Mareș se află în prezent într-o binemeritată
breaking the law. the point i m trying to make, for somebody like me who has up expressed caution, thigh mares is waning. this president is exclusively interested in his own self-interest. isn t that one of the rinks? one of the consequences of inaction? isn t there a concern that doing nothing immunizes this president to oversight and gives some license to do some of the things you re talking about? well, that is a danger. i would say there s maybe a longer-term danger here, too, which is that, look, donald trump is going to do donald trump. i think we need to i don t believe there s any outcome on the other side of an impeachment inquiry that results in his removal. the senate is completely in the guys pocket, so, you know, i want to make sure that the