repeal of obamacare s individual mandate to finance that. $338 billion to target things like an increase in child tax credit and reduction in the plan s rates for middle income taxpayers. in short, the goal is to repeal an unu popular tax from an unworkable law in order to provide more tax relief to middle class families. but u with it, comes clear policy and political dangers for republicans. the cbo says the repeal would lead to 13 million fewer people with health insurance over ten years. premiums on average would go up by 10% each year. when i say this bill is a thief in the night, i mean it. that s what it is. ripping health care from people at the same time you re jacking up their taxes. and democrats now seizing on another potentially damaging element. the plan sets every tax cut for individuals to expire at the end of 2025.
so quickly that there s no recovery at that point. when it happens, it strikes like a thief in the night, like lehman brothers, where you have people scrambling. guess what. there will be no bailout this time. the fed will not be able to come to the rescue. goldman sachs won t be able to come to the rescue, warren buffet won t be able to come to the rescue. when the collapse comes, it comes immediately. that may be taken, 15 years from now, it may be next year, we don t know. that s why we have to get serious about cutting the deficit. it won t be theoretical. no. it won t be theoretical and it won t be contained on wall street. it will hurt everybody in this country. we have to get serious about it and nobody in washington is serious about it. well, they re not serious in new york either. i m scared to ask really what s coming up next because i m not sure. horrible. is he there? focused now.