urand ne o tseit f sndlls sh tt d o m talli sls sh t mli reir e bo. soleare she sti bo ssinand i tnkarhat he onof tti reons at t in d poli treat sll on se tchin re ths t ente aa. li is ve s ffictein athant a . sve teicain is aa vryroug ten sryiffilt to mve i v ugd ou cert nly ifi posbleto m th odi ou weeftnhe rt y wate os soehat theurpo o thi e wft vers jo whate is sot he poster oandt e ntins. rs johas erd in . lay kilinylins sk tha you a laleas ke.inns je a: tskha u.sou. i ill a as coucti airrike i je t li.sa an t i l ntag cotiirke coirmi aslian t lawkers dl agwith mar bdget comissues loaw ofrs deop wan to knothma howuch be ret pang fue thlofpibyantono wh orati r.pa f hav thdetasbytrait ahea odti on.the pravetag tas libyai wha i me sea rone oprg dget byha o irallomineg pr o ne on appeng n w. et ollin nen pe n
bre i wt tocoet yl. krst yor rctin tore ha ou repr enta ve prel w ryto s y retion o tt ro prprestaent pry reon t esspeet . sang inead w t weee g s apeec tha sasind we g part shen a ec haand accuste noteadehip omrt h pridenbut liti l d brcudsid fro c mpaiterdep inprent ti bridro cai n chf. ba chie pnned th eech-chasicly hanne ba hi e sp pch sedingtht wn t ch- ic haccute a didt hneve sp sg wt cu aid h tail i m srry if chrmanyan dn tilike epeec at m s y ifwe ahan couanryshou b t e focuecd on is theubsnce a ou deil.ou at t esid tcuuton fwardhebse toy wa de. a t id frd toeriwasatch heeive aebteducon pn thatould recerich defitheveytuc p atld e triionver 12ef rinr2earsrs lls for $3 speing uts for e biorrtistax$3 refrmnd pupegnor pla biis ughxef putrigr la enfoemenmechsm t h me ig re tt nmatt wh foench t happs wi m coness te n e ttwh ouebt ppwionsecling he shar ou o ou ecobtmy. anpuli in urth e
cha ha t been fr tingdvange ourde chhaeadeeeor a tgan lon te,ur bu now the arede hing aon a tot t fieldbuayowhere wit hg aot oelma. rthaitould you vote for t ot. ha ld n? sendoueot youoromme ts. yo canend it m at nd myoume yo and twtterccou. t what mou tnkbout a ttwmprou at pres tencyrut aominion. t ll t tse o t es aircy asinn. l we. t o t rhtirs bk. we r b thiis eo, e arste hindy warobe you ow when gotim oe-tr e hi e are ndwa wasbell le h noi caot du inveing. enot otr as l noca dveg. th s auall a rfecenzo t afr a cole ecatial v eos,th all a eczo d a ttleand ldin fraf cus mer coppor e.. ti vs, a lext td ng yin kno frheus gotr stuoring rtfoo. t yno heotw hetu plag ing fo rete tusny. he re lath g etetty motial ausut i. e tyti a i shh, shdon say word u reelco. n y [ mard annncer e-tre. iesti unlshed reco manner tr itinled jeli ]neitr f myaren we to lle. soethi
an hitang e dal tmoppounit companceofcersat hi e$1 ,000 pohe it mpcehaspee ofrsatiter$1for 00 haeeerr $15000 aear. shod have rule 50you ar. ho vee nole art enou tepar u a spch thouth not outarlp spof a outh spchwrer, prablyyo a ght spjuwr , utup. at dprlyyoyothin shant n?ju. dwoulth be yoinancos fecte meas e?ulthe s ct as shann: int k u an i abt a nih abciuit nirung e nintcirct cot cioft ru peal is ntthrccost ofrersed appe ate alurt e coistry,th insome asurreed causpee t coy, inmeuri us thmostlibel appeate urt theitc try thstbeand th pee was entt ely hecoy d expeed th s nty rung fr pe the rtiaruy emnele nth rcuico t.fr e so iiaemle h uicothin i s priselwh st finksexctedd the pre courpr elwhthin is fexed
sofundf gth t d gebamare plaedn. nd parehoodcorpatiofor mablicroadlastin allhose kenff the reodrpio rbleor ic thiadinllse n dgethe egreent.hi e demrats etnongrsee. y em thts hav giv thegrepubcans thavivhe ub inns coress t surae thein coll bssedebad in t t fure. ra d theheepub cans b mabain t mist fee.drop ng theheinhisubnsa st battop?he lisk, y heoive tt methg in l y a n hotiaon. eseeree hi ly sthbolin a n ia .fort etheyeidn invoe a t of hi mo sy. li i thi rt eyn tvoa of mos sigficamo ihi pocy v ttory oosigca an iividl prram he waspo vry o t wasnngto iid prm h asc. sool sc tlarsaspsto prram. is gs slscrs prom. g nedyo.. ny. eath: ok. i ink at wlostour. auo thok i therk w stbut we rn geit bac i m not reuife r sti orkerg t e getge itac m t rbackti we a goirk t oveet ahtd to th2012 buetck a alk a oi li tle be morahto aut tha th12ithbu