about officer van dyke and laquan there were numerous other officers present who presumably filed reports about what happened. numerous officers internally who may have seen the tape and there are a lot of questions the may around the police department are going to have to answer whether this was adequately investigated before that whistleblower spoke out and before the public started asking questions. joining me now, larry rogers, cook county board of review commissioner and a civil rights attorney. and commissioner rogers, are you confident that thfg this was all handleded according to protocol and on the up and up? absolutely not. there is a question on our mind why they would restrict the public from seeing the video for so long. if you re familiar with the timeline, you will also know that soon after october 14th 20th when this happened, within a couple of months, we had a mayoral election. so, there s a great deal of concern as to whether there was a conspiracy, quite frank