Anderson Cooper takes viewers beyond the headlines with indepth reporting and investigations. The cleanup was after the Helsinki Summit saying he meant to say wouldnt instead of would although in that cleanup the president said it could be others meddling and since then calling the russia story a hoax and investigation rigged. The difference between the president s reluctance to call out russia and the security teams willingness to was noticeable. Striking enough to call out this question from dni coats. In the runup to the Helsinki Summit,s u. S. Officials, nato ambassadors to russia said the president would raise the issue of maligned activity with the president. He didnt address that. You said to make the issue of meddling a priority. How do you explain the disconnect between what you are
speech and his officials were so clear in the russia involvement. I think the fact the president continues to acknowledge this is exactly why the intel chiefs had to do this. When you have a threat
Anderson Cooper takes viewers beyond the headlines with indepth reporting and investigations. Do it. As you said, he defended his summit with Putin In Helsinki and said the russians are unhappy hes the president of the United States when Vladamir Putin admitted at the summit he wanted donald trump to win. Theres this huge disconnect. We could all feel it in the Briefing Room earlier today and why you saw so many reporters asking that question. Yes, im sure it was very assuring to a lot of americans out there to hear the director of National Intelligence, fbi director, of Homeland Security to say theyre on the case. Looming over everything in the room is the fact the president has said all sorts of things to diminish the russian threat in the past. He just said it could be other countries, not just russia. Thats so opposite what we heard from his top officials at that briefing. And it was just yesterday sarah palin called the investigation into russia a hoax, wasnt it . Thats right. She
Evidence to support their allegations. Including naming over two dozen witnesses each. Unfortunately the limited investigation that was conducted by the fbi failed to interview any one of the witnesses these two women identified who could support her account. Let me say that again, they refused to investigate, to talk with any of the 24 witnesses that could have supported their accounts. Mr. President , i think its important to remember why were here today. Were here to determine whether judge kavanaugh has demonstrated the impartiality, the democrat perment, t me temperament, the evenhandedness to serve on this Great High Court of our land. If confirmed he will join eight
other individuals who are charged with deciding how the laws of our land are interpreted and applied. He would be a deciding vote on the most important issues affecting our country. And every american for generations to come. Mr. President , Madam President , based on all the factors we have before us, i do not belie
but it also finds a fourth dose may not provide enough of those antibodies to protect against the omicron variant. let s bring in cnn senior medical continue eliza correspondent elizabeth cohen. in israel, several weeks ago they started giving fourth doses to people who were immune compromised, to people who were 60 years of age or older, and also to health care workers. so they decided to see, when we give it to health care workers, what happens, let s take a look at what shiba did, they gave fourth doses to 274 health care workers, some got pfizer, some got moderna. the fourth dose did raise antibodies, they weren t sure. they didn t give any data as to whether or not getting that fourth dose did what we want it to do is prevent severe disease,
clear up any misconceptions making it clear he would go to any lengths to undo what happened. in is one in a billion that someone puts a real bullet in the gun. that never happens. and the idea that a real bullet was in that gun and would come out of that gun and kill that woman, it wasn t even in the realm of possibility. who brought bullets onto the set? authorities have said there was some complacency in how weapons were handled. the investigation is ongoing, bill. bill: what a story. jeff, thanks live in l.a. you get the sense here that he is raising more questions than we had before. i know it s not me. i didn t fire the gun. another point during the interview they rushed us out immediately. he raised the possibility she may have had a heart attack at the time. they weren t sure. but 90 minutes raising more questions.