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on, and he says he s not the only trump ally who s saying so. the rhetoric is so charged and so device piv that we have to all just take a step back now and say, what are we doing, ashley? sound and reasonably minded men and women in the republican party will say wait i minua mine can t do this. he s giving people a license to hate, to provide a source of anger to go after each other and he does it on his twitter account. don t just go by me. there s a lot of people who will tell you they re inside the president s inner circle but they re just fearful right now of opening up and explaining that to the american public. and that is where we start today from the washington post, senior political reporter aaron blake, former assistant director for counterintelligence, frank figliuzzi. at the table associated press white house reporter jonathan lemire. former aide to george w. bush white house and state department, elise jordan and politics editor for the root,
these issues given he was around pr previous crime bills and bans. but as what you and johnathan were mentioning, it s not like mitch mcconnell is an evil puppeteer, but he s like i have my entire senate caucus here. they don t trust you, president trump. they don t trust you to cover us if we try to put through this legislation. if the president can be believed to be consistent, if he said look i want background checks. mitch, i want this to happen right now. i will make every commercial necessary to cover the back of every single person in the caucus who supports it, it would happen tomorrow. they don t trust the president will have their back. what they re worried about is next year being aligned from the right or attacked by a democrat, it s a shame we have to have these calculations when people are dyeing but i believe that s what reasons are worried about and it s a legitimate concern.
here he is basically implicating her in a crime. so there s a lot of sense here this is another moment this president doesn t just defy norms but does so in a potentially dangerous way. thank you both for spending time with us. the panel is staying on the set with me. democrats are going all in calling gun control not just a safety issue but a moral one. e . the psoriasis. e . cosentyx treats more than just the joint pain of active psoriatic arthritis. it even helps stop further joint damage. don t use if you re allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you ve had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. get real relief, with cosentyx. cause crabfest is on geat red lobster.ns with nine craveable crab creations. like our new crab imperial.
number there. and can you draw a line. but the republicans didn t change most of their behavior in the senate because at the end of the day, this actually benefits them in a lot of different ways. the only consequence we can see, there s always racist and people who dog whistles. he just happens to be more blatant about it. the only reason it s an issue now is because it s a national security one. what you were mentioning before, look, when joe biden came out and talked about charlottesville and i was there, i know about those sorts of things, it was also senator harris was one of the first people talking about this as a national security issue. if people start to believe, if white america starts to think racism is actually a danger to me as a white person. this isn t something that just happens to my black friend or hispanic cheering squad member who hangs out with my daughter, but if i have to worry about going into the video store those don t exist. if i have to worry about goin