wrong with these people? where is the love? okay, final question for jennifer weiner, if we have convinced if we have convinced the president right now that he needs to be a dog guy, here s the question. right this minute. what kind of dog suits him? what kind of dog suits him? well, i think it s got to be a rescue dog. i think there s so many dogs that need homes. for sure. i think the message that would send after the whole bleep hole countries, for him to go to a shelter and just pick out, you know, some poor dog that maybe doesn t have a pedigree, that doesn t look like it comes from norway, that s not blonde and beautiful, if he just gets a mutt, don t you think? i mean, you know what he d want, which would be the best golden retriever, but i would love to see him get one of those dust mop dogs, you know, that s like a little bit of everything. and just love it. jennifer weiner, thank you so much for being here.
thank you for having me. getting a lot of feedback about my earlier interview with fire and fury author michael wolff, so we ll get into that. here s a highlight in case you missed it. you are now doing the job of the white house. just so everybody knows that. well, wait a minute. i read the book. i took the time to read the book. there it is. but you have i have questions. hope hicks i know this. i have questions as a reader. i accept i don t conquer the mountain like i used to. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but whatever trail i take, i go for my best. so if there s something better than warfarin, i ll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don t stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can ca
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have diminished or they ve lost jobs, and trump represents a life boat for them. a life boat in life. so all this other stuff is just complete collateral stuff. they don t care, they don t mind. in fact, it just re-enforces to most of them that he is different and not a typical politician. actually just re-enforces the brand and image they have of trump. it doesn t matter. i had the same conversation a moment ago with scott adams of dilbert and i was thinking of the wolff book and the expletive this week. none of this matters, because we re all talking past each other. i know you care about independent thinking. when, if ever, do we get back to nuance, where you could be for something and against something within the same party? nuance, haven t heard that word in a long time in politics. listen, the bigger picture for me is let s get this immigration deal done, and i think, again,
of a sudden think, oh, maybe a private or military plane from new york to d.c. would be nice. the tables have kind of turned. this is why we have a problem with the government that does nothing. because the democrats don t mind spending money. they don t mind. i have to tell you, they don t mind spending money. it s a fact. republicans don t want to do anything like that. the people trust republicans usually are more tight-fisted than democrats. they think they are generally more tight-fisted. this isn t helping. that is not necessarily true. if you look at where the deficit explodes, chris, it explodes under republicans. it explodes when we have a recession. you can explain this because there s a busy schedule and they have a lot of places to go and it can be a pain to take commercial trouble. that being said, they don t like this wasted money from the taxpayers. trump doesn t like it. he better fire that guy s butt. he was caught on camera and knew the wrong position to be