pay no costs but they still seem virtuous about promoting it. and then it will tune into stephen colbert at night with a clean heart. as for the americans who will the actual fighting and on the suffering here at home, they don t count. because in a democracy you can safely ignore the middle-class and so our leaders are doing that. watch. the truth is we should be thinking about the fact that what americans go to the fill up their cars, that they should think about sticking it to putin when they put that gas handle and the gas in your gas tank, it s going to cost a little more and part of it will be because of russia and just stick it to putin. here in america we got to be ready for the fact that will drive up oil prices, that will drive up gas prices. and if we are student dominic early standing with ukraine we have to be prepared to absorb that. ban all russian imports into the united states in terms of oil and gas, 4% of our oil supply comes from russia.
the candidates included support for a woman s unfeddered access to abortion, free health care for people who live here illegally. other items that had some support on the debate stage, government-run health care for all, free college tuition and decriminalizing legal border crossings. for those that think there should be some abortion restrictions and believe we should increase access to health care for american citizens, people who might like to keep their private insurance who don t want to pay other students college debt who cross the border legally and pay taxes, are there any democrats running for those people? people who i m guessing constitute a majority? who stood up on that stage this week and attempted to reach any disaffected trump voters? moderates? independents? i guess in the democratic party, those folks don t matter. they re not important, they don t count. those that believe that
to calling out campaign finance laws he doesn t like. when it came to analyzing the prohibition against foreign nationals including canadians, from making any kind of contribution, donation of anything of value in connection with the u.s. election, he said, we don t look at this the same way we would look at most campaign finance questions because this is a question of national sovereignty. this is a question of who is part of our united states political community who gets to participate in choosing our elected officials? so canadians, they don t count. i guess the question is, from the federal law standpoint, good information, bad information. ally or adversary. it is just a flat prohibition. like if you re running for office and you re getting anything offered to you or soliciting anything, a briefing book like help renting a banquet hall for a fundraiser, you know, any of that from foreign nationals and particularly foreign governments or cutouts thereof that is just flatly
what we are. laura: why do you say that? s before they get away with things and this is just another instance of that. he hasn t en hd accountable. laura: i think the me too vement,ots of good stuff going on but sadly a lot of it is politicized. kind of like wanting a broad record, they don t count. people like kathleen willey, they don t count. how are you doing, by the way, how are you doing after all these years? you look great, by the way. gennifer: thank you, and god bless you. i love you by the way. i m doing fine, i m doing a reboot of my book. i lost my mother in july of last year, so that has been a huge thing tovercome. but i m doing good, thanks for asking. and thanks for having me.