opt for the surgery. not the less invasive one. all right, doctor, those carotid arteries are so im portant. very important. i didn t know that about both sides. admitted it during t break. meanwhile, what about this? great question. you ve heard dr. rosenfeld talk a lot about breast cancer and advice for women telling to get screened if you have a family history of either breast or ovariancancer. what about men? what should they do if thevey ha a family history of breast or ovarian cancer? doctor, ould they be screened, this is very interesting. ryoo? i have to tell you, itev occurred to me until recently when i read a review of it in the literaturbo we ve talked before about the brca one andrca-2 gene mutations. women who have these mutations especially with a fily history of breast or ovarian cancer are vulnerabl to canr of the breast and ovaries and as i ve said before, if you are a woman