time of the last big populous, a century ago, when americans were concerned that the robber barons would eat everything in their path. a century later, there a reason donald trump got elected, because the people are angry at the way the elites have handled the economy. spreading thes wealth isn t happening the way ited should. the people in control are from harvard business school. tucker: it seems like these are smart people, they went to hbs, but it seems like there is a certain mind set that comes out of there that has to do with short-term gain over long-term health. is it fair to lay that at the feet of the school? absolutely. you know, one thing i point out in the book, the emergence of shareholder capitalism in the 80s during the reagan era, when basically we went from thinking managers had responsibilities to other constituencies to one responsibility alone to the share price. michael jensen, who was one of the most well-known professors at the time, he was like the intell