don t have the staff to do iusv. we are going to hold them g accountable for thatoi is yeah speaking of accountability if you re thinking of picking up one of the newhitting beach europe, hope you already have your passport. there is a massive backlog with some folks putting umontp to fo monthsur no foremost, hello?r i don t want to come in to all thatd. i know mayor pete is your guy, and you have potential hopes pinned all over his m like pin the tail on the donkey. hehe is a mule for the airline industry i think he is carryingin their water. it is embarrassing. therr.mbare is no accountabilit i blame everything on here. what say you, harold for jr.? i m not a fan of how he did som things wrong i m not thinking he sk a suit for the airline b i don t think they are being serious about the issue that we have. ha areve doubt thesehat oversubscribed, these plane rides are, largely because a lo of things we talk about around the table, with soa lo mant ngs