Evonik and Uniper officially launched the Technical Options for Thermal Energy Recovery (TORTE) project in Gelsenkirchen. As one of the first phases of Evonik s Herne Green Deal to s.
The growth in the global data center liquid cooling market is expected to be driven by increased water scarcity and boosting number of edge, colocation,.
Service and Maintenance Strategies for Environmental Compliance
While the current global pandemic sees many manufacturers having to factor in the unknown, pollution control equipment still needs to be considered as part of a business’s decision making process.
Image Credit: Anguil Environmental Systems
When facing uncertainty and rapid change, a calculated investment in existing pollution control systems can ensure compliance as well as offering opportunities for a quick return on investment (ROI).
These needs can include the addition of new process lines for new or expanded product offerings, changes in input process, increasing the speed of process lines, the consolidation of production plants, or the building of new facilities. Anguil is at hand to evaluate current equipment, capacities and production requirements to create a strategy that will fit the emerging needs of any business.
Individuals, small companies and large corporations are all aiming to reduce their carbon footprints. As a result, the use of Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIB) has become progressively more widespread.
Where individuals are concerned, the utilization of battery packs in sectors such as solar-powered homes and all-electric automobile battery banks has been expanding at a rapid pace.
The manufacture of such battery packs generates a number of air contaminants that need to be treated preceding release into the atmosphere, however.
A major supplier of LIBs was confronted with a distinct array of challenges at its central production facility.
Three identical abatement systems were required, with each one needing the capacity to handle upwards of 35,000 scfm of emission-laden air, which is larger than the typical size of an electrically heated air pollution control system. The systems needed to factor in the following considerations: