The site of a now-closed church in Everett is being converted into a 33-unit affordable rental housing facility for seniors, authorities said. The project is.
âEnergetic and ambitious faith-filled womenâ Officers in the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women gather with Archbishop Alexander Sample in 2014: Del Keller, Sue Anker, Susie Snider, Barbara Francescon and Virginia Durrin. (Courtesy ACCW) 5/7/2021 9:31 AM
Western Oregon’s Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, with roots going back a century, now has 40 dues-paying members, down from decades past.
Members are in their 70s, 80s and 90s. Yet they feel sure that younger women would find the group and its mission inspiring and enjoyable.
“We are not just little old ladies sitting in the pews saying the rosary,” said Sue Anker, a longtime ACCW leader.
Pueblo leader in agricultural water rights Carl Genova dies
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A successful farmer who knew the value of protecting water rights in the Arkansas River Valley, Carl Genova, died on Dec. 25.
He was 88.
Genova, known for his humility and passion for working in agricultural water rights, made an impact on the Pueblo farming community that can still be felt.