many ways, really nothing to lose. bnsz is playing with the house s money, appropriately enough here in vegas. already gone further than they probably could have hoped a year ago and that may have a lot to do with hillary clinton s weaknesses and providing an opening. bernie sanders i think has one overwhelming question here. he has shown he can excite white progressives and that can get you far in iowa and new hampshire. unfortunately after that, it s limited. if he really is going to become a serious competitor for the nomination, he has to show that he can break into the minority voters who cast about one-third of all primary votes, african-americans and hispanics. we saw today in south carolina he s ahead among white voters but trailing badly because he is losing african-american voters. 15-1 with biden in the race and 80% without biden in the race. we know he can excite white socially liberal, white collar progressives. can he find a way to begin talking to hispanics and
a disgruntled staffer, he got fired. but if you look back over their agenda, number one, they ve had very few hearings. they ve had interviews with witnesses in secret. they ve essentially excluded democratic participation. if you look at what they have done over this last year, spending over a million dollars in an investigation, i think it s pretty clear what their purpose is. let s talk about her nearest challenger bernie sanders on that change tomorrow night. yes. he has morphed into a serious contender. i m sure you would agree. many people would say it s because of this issue of authenticity. people say he possesses that. and they feel it coming off him when he was on a stage, when he speaks to voters. they pose him in contrast to hillary clinton on that issue. how much of a challenge does he pose to hillary clinton tomorrow night and beyond, in your view? you look atlanta his numbers in certain states, there s absolutely a challenge. if you look at other states she s lea
attacker. the dutch safety board will soon release report on the crash of malaysia airlines flight 17. 298 people were killed last year when that flight crashed in eastern ukraine. early draft indicates a russian made missile brought down the plane but it does not say who fired it. and let s go back to john in vegas for more on the democratic debate. john? isha, thank you. we re now coming up to tuesday democrat debate. many of the candidates are now turning up. we had the front-runner hillary clinton arriving here just a few hours ago and before that debate, she made an unannounced appearance at a rally for the culinary workers union outside a hotel. it was owned beity republican front-runner donald trump. we know that because his name is on the building. he likes to put his name on lots of things. bernie sanders was also in las vegas but appeared remotely at the so-called no labels convention. that was in manchester, new hampshire. the bipartisan convention seeks
the dutch safety board will release report on the crash of malaysia airline flight 17 which killed 298 people last year. early draft indicates russian made missile brought down the plane over eastern ukraine but it does not say who fired it. many of the victims were dutch citizens. and now back to our top story. the u.s. democratic debate right here on cnn. the stage is set. the candidates have arrived. the countdown is on. i m isha sesay live in los angeles. i m john vause live at the site of tomorrow s big debate, las vegas, sin city, gambling mecca city of the universe and hillary clinton will go head to head against her biggest rival, vermont senator bernie sanders. while the democrats set a place and wait for joe biden like elijah at passover, hillary clinton got a break on benghazi and learning more about bernie sanders and his debate strategy. cnn politics reporter joins me
african-american voters? i think that if you re an o malley or if you re a bernie sanders, where you can dig in hard is on criminal justice reform. for latinos, immigration has become the issue that they judge everybody by. for a while for women it was choice went it comes to abortion rights. for african-americans this season it is criminal justice reform. if they push in hard on that a they may be able to pick up some steam. i m telling you, if you can break hillary clinton s lock on the black vote, bill clinton is right there to put another grip. she s got a backup. finally, hillary clinton, she s a good debater. back in 2008, she wiped the floor with most of those debates back then and she was up up against a pretty good we the bait. trial lawyer, joe biden, president obama. was it tougher then than it is now? yeah. listen, no disrespect to this field, but, you know, she is head and shoulders as a states democrats woman, as a global