it. no one ever read, or certainly very few people, the 2,700 page bill, to the this day, nobody understands it. the obama administration has just announced massive double digits and trejo digits obamacare premium prices prices. everywhere all throughout the country. here in pennsylvania premiums are going to increase more than 60%, and that is nothing compared to what will happen in the future. of course, in the future, if i am president, there won t be obamacare, see won t have to worry. [applauding] that means parents won t have enough money to pay their bills or get medicine for their kids. in the great state of arizona, a wonderful place i just left, premiums will go up even higher than 160%. other states are go up more than
our military, i saw a show the other day that our fighter planes are so old they go to junk yards to get the parts, airplane graveyards to get parts off of old planes that haven t been flown in 25 years. they re taking parts off of the planes and trying to put them on our fighter jets. we are really in trouble. let s talk about obamacare. you ve talked about eliminating it, it, talked about portability and health care savings accounts. do you believe that health care savings accounts is the antid e antidote? it s one of them. it s a great alternative. they work. they re fabulous. you can move, do whatever you want to do. you ll save money. much better plans. look at what s going on with obama care, rates going through the roof. you won t get the use it unless you a real big long lasting problem. no no. it s a certainly one method and there are many, by the way,
sean. i know you mention that. but there are many methods. they will all be better. you don t have to be limited to one or two. we can use other methods but people will be paying a lot less money. they ll be paying a lot less money for a lot better care. i will ask congress to convene a special session so we can repeal and replace. and it will be such an honor for me, you and everybody in this country because obamacare has to be replaced and we will do it and we will do it very very quickly. it is a catastrophe. the president said if you like your plan you can keep your plan. if yo you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor which may go down as one of the great political lies of the century. even the skeptical democrats believed him and approved the legislation.
there were democrats very much against it but they believed him and they approved it. no one ever head or certainly very few people, the 2,700-page bill. to this day nobody understands it. the obama administration has just announced massive double digit and triple digit obamacare premium hikes everywhere all throughout the country. here in pennsylvania premiums are going to increase more than 60%, and that s nothing compared to what will happen in the future. of course in the future, if i m president, there won t be obamacare so you won t have to worry about it. that means parents won t have enough money to pay their bills or get medicine for their kids. in the great state of arizona, premiums will go up even higher than 116 parse.