partisan or bipartisan charitable efforts. i wasn t surprised that the eagles didn t end up going. i thinkwas a late breaking thing within that organization and among those players where guys who were in the middle of the road, started to side with more left leaning guys who were protesting and said, if there s n t thinwe to go. guys there, a presidential ally said to me today, nicole, i don t know why you re surprised that he managed to celebration. this is what he does. everything he touches he tarnished. he was furious when he learned how small the contingent of eles we going to be coming to the white house. he has no self-awareness that everything that s small that he loathes, it s so birre. it s all about sizith this president. he was embarrassed last year when tom brady skipped that. he was very upset what it would look like on the lawn today if