to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis. do tapes exist of your conversations with him? i will tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future. seem to be hinting that there are recordings. i will tell you over a very short period of time. do you have a question here? when will you tell us? fairly short period of time. fairly short period of time. last thing before we go. president trump in the rose garden saying he will let america know if there are tapes of his conversations with james comey very short period of time in the very near future, a timeline we have heard from mr. trump before. even a cursory review of his
way some kind of protection. you know you wish that donald trump knew a little bit more about history than just his own experience and what he experiences through famind friends. because i think every other president probably from gerald ford through barack obama, in some lobe of their brain they remembered what happened to nixon in the obstruction of justice, and they certainly would have never taped people. thank you for coming on a friday night, michael. thank you. coming up after our final break. trump s go-to promise, delivering something in the near future. back with more on that right after this.
disappointed when you hear the answer. also today, the house intelligence committee moved forward on its investigation into all things russia related. the committee s top republican and top democrat, congressman mike conaway and adam schiff of california announced they have sent out some letters. the first goes to james comey asking for any notes or memos he may have about his discussions with the president. second letter to white house counsel don mcgahn. that letter asks, are there recordings or memos of trump s conversations with james comey. if yes, the committee wants copies, as would the mueller investigation, and the senate intelligence committee investigation. both comey and the white house in this case have until june 23rd to respond. busier than average friday. let s bring in our starting panel for tonight. rick stengel is with us, former underseth for public diplomacy and public affairs at the united states state department in the obama administration.
line this week. no one was talking about it. mike pence said it was a banner week for infrastructure. nobody took that seriously. shannon, you like the others here work for a serious organization. what s your belief, what s your knowledge about what donald trump, the president, president trump, wants to get done? let s say between now and the july 4th break for congress. well i think he would like to get health care done, tax reform done, maybe get some money for wall in there. at this point, you know, everyone keeps talking about oh, they are creating distractions they are not talking about their agenda, they are not off message. at this point because they have a congress that they can t get to work together they don t have a great agenda. health care is stalled in the senate. et cetera a unclear they are going to come up with a bill that can pass the senate let alone the house. tax reform is nowhere. they can t agree on that. infrastructure if you want that, you have got to get
i have just been to see her majesty, the queen, and i will now form a government a government that can provide certainty and lead britain forward athis critical time for our country. outside number 10, the british prime minister, theresa may, whose decision to hold a snap election, as you may have heard, has backfired. her conservatives lost their majority in parliament. may s future as prime minister is now in question. labor party s jeremy corbin was the spoiler. like bernie sanders state side, he energized a lot of young voters, many of whom were uneasy on the brexit vote and the upcoming start of the brexit talks. the election is another blow to president trump s anti-globalist