Кинопроизводство могло бы стать еще одним драйвером социально-экономического развития ДФО. Об этом заявили на ВЭФ-2021 участники сессии "Важнейшее из искусств: перспективы кинокластера на Дальнем Востоке".
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Lift Your Eyes to the Stars: There Lies the Future!
Feb. 4 , 2021 (EIRNS) “Man yearns upward, toward the exploration of space, for one overriding purpose: the fuller development of mankind on Earth.” So concludes Lyndon LaRouche’s 1996 article “Space: The Ultimate Money Frontier.” With three spacecraft entering Mars orbit or landing on the red planet itself this month, the economic lessons LaRouche teaches are particularly relevant for creating a future-oriented policy in opposition to the Green evil of the “Great Reset.”
Looking back, the U.S. Apollo Moon mission, and the technological, scientific, and industrial advances required to make it possible, generated a ten-fold return on investment. This return was not monetary, like that of those institutional investors who made billions off the ascent of GameStop’s stock, but physical. The post-Apollo economy and society was enriched with specific technologies, improved machine too