military to make those decisions in realtime. a new york times article says you touch it, you don t own it policy on syria. the same can be said about his drone policy. as long as there aren t boots on the ground, it s your war. that s the quote there. is there sort of an iraq hangover here? is that why it gets democratic support? you ve got john brennan as the appointee. and brennan s policies on the drones is one of give us control. i think that s why democrats are sort of hesitating about do we criticize? do we look at oversight? what the drones allow us to do is have boots on the ground in places we didn t before. it allows us to have autonomy with the u.s. intelligence gs agencies, and democrats are hesitating to bring it to the table. but with congress and our inability to find compromise, it s a new day, and we need to