tucker: it was a very dangerous cocktail, though. mark steyn put it better i know.one thank you. thank you, tucker. tucker: syria isn t the only military commitment america has abroad right now. or our largest. 14,000 troops remain in afghanistan. there arefg reports the president is considering withdrawing some or all of is that wise? what should our policy toward afghanistan be? how does it effect our contest with china? our biggest rival? robert caplin has been more places than anyone i m aware of. he s a senior fellow at the center for new american security and he u joins us tonight. mr. caplin, thank you very much for coming on. it s my pleasure to be here. tucker: so you have written about afghanistan, thought about afghanistan a lot about afghanistan. in youry judgment, what s the right course going forward? afghanistan? well, first of all, let see lay out some facts. the united states has been in afghanistan for 17 years. the troops being deployed there now were in