Magic and we are excited to have casey cep in celebration of dirks the last trial of harper lee. This is her first book but casey this not her first thing she has given to us write. She has been writing for the the new yorker, the new yorkw york times for many years now, and many of you probably noticed because youre but in all of work she has this super home able to make every detail fascinating and crystal clear. In this one casey works to layout two intertwine can mysteries, one in the story of reverend Willy Maxwell and his trials and the other in the unissued work of a beloved literary market and she has contagious dedication to seeing them through and doing them as much justice as possible. Trust me, and also every person i think who works in this book store in this room, this is a book that you actually cannot put down and i mean it seriously. Im about 20 pages from the end and very sad im not reading it. Casey, we are so excited to have you tonight. Thank you so much for coming
/PRNewswire/ ParaPRO, a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on innovative treatments for human ectoparasites, today announced that it will unveil.