Band music and my uncle loved jazz. He always listened to jazz. That was the influences i had to. Was she a performer . No, my mother was the founder of the freedom wives. When you read my book it will blow your mind, about my mother. She was the star in my family, not me. I am just a representative of the hope, of a dream. It was kind of a new concept and you took a commanding position. How did that come about . My good friend, charles coughlin, he was chairman of the board of emi records for 15 years. We met by accident in Queens College night school and he had just taken over the job for hal evans music. If you were a writer, i already had a record out when i was 16, you know . I was signed when i was 16. I had a record out and then it died and nothing else happened. I ran into charles. You will crack up, this story. It is hysterical how it happened. We met. I had a demo and i played it for donnie. Here i am now signing all the music. Brian wilson. Great writers, all around. There i