our dear leader in the beste possible light. e to here you have joe biden going right there to the border i to see what s going on . so i give him a lot of credit for that. visiting the border and making sure that conservatives in those areas know that he reallya isn t listening to their concerns about border security. he doesrd seeer secm to be ws directly this directly on this issue. and he s very aware of what s going on in the border. y coming down and seeing it with the sonar is really madeife a big difference and a bignc difference. who needs comedy with theses? clowns? buo a heck of a job chatting up salvation army volunteers or to say where they have a secret service. same difference. : okay, now, if you re a a democrat, you re still wavings off concerns about joe s age and declining cognition. anddeclininthen you re just in. or maybe you know that although biden is one fall away from the senior center lunchroom, draw still the sharpese ist knie in the democrat
agents. so i think that, you know,rial the imperial speakership is over. nancy pelosi will be the lastt imperial speaker because nowtheo we re going to unlockte the potential and all the members. and i m glad that speakeerd i r mccarthy saw it that way.way. now, i also saw that you both were talking to various democrats during the process t and you especially weralkimocrag to congressman congresswoman jane paul and others. ght of was there any thought of a deal with democrats during this process ever absolute now? i was pretty cozy talkingretty to theco well, nothing wrong with that. and they re fine people, justt, like republicans. want to know what i was talking with congresswoman gypo about, it was about the big tech legislation thatat we i supported with her to break up these companies. and we werwee talking about during republican control. could we get those bills to theo floontr that nancy pelosi wouldn t bring to the floor until her husband was trading big tech stocks?g bi could