we had a guy on who said that 9/11 attack was orchestrated by president bush.ad i put him on and i yelled at him. i slapped him, not physically. i said to myself, the audience doesn t want this anymore. they see it for what it is. it is crude, as you just said. it is disrespectful to theny country. and i think somebody like maxine waters should resign.n. i think she should resign. she is not competent to holdik that position. i will take an apology. i think resignation is a bit muchs?. i will take a deportation. on maxine waters? yeah. gentlemen, thank you. the factor tip of the day, how to teach young americans about money. t the tip, moments away. away... which you are you? away... be the you who doesn t cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don t give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara®
and now is serving. using this kind of stuff. in 2009, president obama was elected. i went to air, i said, obama said this, obama said that. some good friend of mine, a journalist for many years, he said, you can disagree with everything he says, you can despise every policy he has ever purported, but call him president obama. from that day forward, i called him president obama. bill: rather than obama. the socialist president obama, but you re right. it is the office, continued respect for the office. however, 2016, this campaign, this election cycle, all bets are off. the rhetoric has been heightened., bill: so we have aen deteriorating discourse. i think it was bad under president obama asl. well. there was a lot of right-wingers who hated him. i called him a patriot, president obama, i don t think he meant the country harm. i think that his vision for the country didn t work in my opinion.he it just didn t work and never will work. but i don t think he came in as the ma
campaigning on calling all mexicans criminals, rapists, murderers. bill: that is your interpretation. he would differ on that. he said 2 to 3 million undocumented residents from mexico are here that are criminals. that number was justified. bill: there are 950,000 illegal aliens, whether you like the term or not, that have deportation orders out against them. the trump administration is going to try to get them out of the country. now, let s go to ruben. the mexican people, can they delineate between chambermaids and agricultural workers, farmworkers, and the guys we just talked about in denver? can they see the difference? i think they can to some degree, bill. but the bigger problem is, the trump administration may not be able to see the difference. just in the last 72 hours or soe you ve seen the administration blur the line for a criminal. now, he seems to be saying that